ARK ́s spoon attachment textured for the Z-Vibe and Z-Grabber Vibration Pen
The spoon attachment texture is therapeutic accessory for the Z-Vibe and Z-Grabber vibration pencil The...
Disposable anti-return straws from ARK Therapeutic, with integrated valve for easy drinking with the straw. Drinking for people with weak suction power, oral motor problems and/or problems to generate and maintain suction is significantly facilitated. Each straw has a built-in valve that controls the direction of the liquid.
Disposable anti-return straws from ARK Therapeutic, with integrated valve for easy drinking with the straw. Drinking for people with weak suction power, oral motor problems and/or problems to generate and maintain suction is significantly facilitated. Each straw has a built-in valve that controls the direction of the liquid in one direction - the liquid flows into the straw, but not back into the cup, but always remains at the top. With the liquid which remains in the straw at the top, less air is absorbed and less effort is needed for drinking. Users therefore tend less to cough and wort while they consume more liquid.
Since the valves are installed, these drinking straws provide both comfort for the caregiver and discretion for the user. You save time and work for the maintainer/therapist and at the same time increase independence, Would and increase the supply of liquid for the user.