Wheelblades «S», 1 pair 2 fully assembled Wheelblades «S».Only for manual wheelchairs.

Wheelblades «S», 1 pair 2 fully assembled Wheelblades «S».Only for manual wheelchairs.

VAT included

Mobility with wheelchair for snow and ice.

The Wheelblades are small, high-quality skis that can be attached to the front wheels of wheelchairs with one click. With this ingenious invention, wheelchair users are also mobile in the snow or in the case of ice smoothes.

Adjustment options: 2.0 – 6.5 cm
Suitable for: manual wheelchairs
Available: as a pair

How it works

FFor strollers, Rehabuggy or Rollers available. Click here


Wheelblades S

Safety and mobility with a wheelchair even in winter with snow and ice? With WHEELBLADES S this is no longer a question. Thanks to the easily adjustable binding, this practical aid can be attached to any common wheelchair model. With a few handles, you can switch from wheels to skids in seconds. The wide bearing surface of the WHEELBLADES distributes the weight optimally on the ground and thus prevents the front wheels from sinking in the snow. The two running surfaces slide over the ground with very little friction and also compensate for greater unevenness. To ensure that the ski tip always shows in the direction of travel, the binding was deliberately placed in the front part of the ski. Two running channels on the underside of the WHEELBLADES, which compress the snow and let you slide on rails, ensure stability during the ride.

Adjustment options: 2.0 – 6.5 cm
Suitable for: manual wheelchairs
Available: as a pair


Data sheet

stainless steel, glass fiber reinforced plastics
Technical details
Adjustment options: 2.0 – 6.5 cm
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