Kita & School

Game and therapy solutions in Kita and School.

There are 286 products.

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Children's workshops, schools with and without a special focus and, of course, families will find games for indoors and outdoors, crafts, promotional materials, etc.

Kita and school - the best tools for disabled children

Kita and school today there are numerous tools

Kita and school are often a challenge for children with disabilities. There are Learning toys for children and impaired children, who offer an educationally valuable combination of entertainment and education. These can help children to improve their motor skills, sharpen their perception and develop cognitive skills. These include colourful Pompon balls, gripping aids, templates and wall calendars. They also include interactive electronic learning systems and specially developed Learning toys as an audio pen or Vibrating pencil for children. Each Learning toys and Aids for disabled children is designed to expand the understanding of the world and everyday life by promoting skills and skills that children need for successful learning in Kita and school need.

Kita und SchuleSpiel-und Therapielösungen in Kita und Schule

Game and therapy solutions in Kita and School

Game and therapy needs include a variety of products that support the development of children in Kita and school are thought. In addition to learning toys, these include therapy forms as well as Vibrating pencil therapy, which help to promote the learning and development of children with disabilities or a lesson. The aim is to allow children with these measures a safe and pleasant learning environment in which they can develop and express their skills. In headings of educative learning, numerous products from the game and therapy requirements are offered for kita and school educative. Here you will find the following products:

  • Musical instruments
  • Building blocks
  • Ball games
  • Magnets
  • Products to promote the senses

The cognitive and motor promotion of the skills of your child in Kita and School

In Kita and School learning aids for children with support needs

Aids for disabled children are specially designed and tailored to the needs of children with disabilities or support needs. Aids for disabled children can help them fully exploit their potential and provide them with a unique learning experience. Learning toys and Aids for disabled children are an important part ofKita and school and help to make everyday life more accessible and effective for children. Essential products in this category are, for example, special gripping aids, with which the correct attitude can be exercised in writing or aids in the form of Learning toys to exercise the balance of the child. Thanks to these, cognitive skills and senses are sharpened, which are essential in everyday life of Kita and School.

In Kita und Schule LernhilfsmittelKita und Schule fördert Bewegungsfreiheit

Kita and School promotes freedom of movement and play

Important tools for developing your child are sports and movement methods. Balance and motion motors can be specially trained with a trampoline or a rocking bowl to support the absorption and learning and in motion. Among other things, there are:

  • Run Dollis
  • Soft cubes
  • Skill boxes

There are numerous ways to promote freedoms of movement in Kita and School and thus strengthen the performance of them.

Creativity-promoting vibration pencil for kita and school

Some of these tools are games in the form of visual instructions that allow the child to understand and perform tasks. Other tools are special learning strategies that completely improve the understanding of a child, or structured movement models that help to expand skills. The more freedom of movement you give your child, the better learning outcomes you can achieve. With tools in the sports or outdoor game category, this is simply possible. Here we take a look at the heading sports. A Vibrating pencil for children is a specially developed pen that strengthens the touch of the child when applied to a surface.

Lernwerkzeug in Kita und Schule

Learning tools in Kita and School

The Vibrating pencil for children emits light vibrations that stimulate the muscles and brain of the child. This helps him improve his concentration and coordination. The Vibrating pencil for children is an innovative learning tool for children with a need for support in Kita and school helps to optimize their motor skills. The pen vibrates easily when pressed on paper or other surfaces, and sends a direct signal to the child. This signal helps children to understand how to write and paint. By using the pen, children can develop their sense of rhythm and creativity. In addition Vibrating pencil for children easy to use and can also be used comfortably at home. The long service life, versatility and the important learning function ensure that the Vibrating pencil for children is a great learning tool and can contribute significantly to learning improvement.

With a mobile staircase made of steel or a steel arch, you can reach a firm stand everywhere.

Combined vibratory pencil therapy

The pen exercises an indirect effect Vibrating pencil therapy in the child. This is a special type of therapy that focuses on obtaining a sense of safety during writing and painting. In addition Vibrating pencil therapy contribute to improving the child's communication skills. The pen reduces fears and stress during the writing process and thus creates effective learning progress. For Kita and school this learning form is recommended and used for many years as a possible therapy approach. Total Vibrating pencil therapy and writing with a learning pencil is an effective means to help your child with disabilities significantly strengthen his senses and motor skills. In combination with the right learning methods, the therapy approach creates a proven method in the teaching methodology of children with disabilities.

Digital audio pen in Kita and school

An audio pencil is a useful tool if you want to bring your child closer to the digital form of learning. With the audio pen, children can record any printed word and convert it into a digital version. In addition, the pen can set markings and highlights that allow the child a better understanding of the text and symbols. In addition, the audio pen is equipped with a range of features that make your child much easier to read. For example, you can adjust the font size to improve readability.

Successful learning in kita and school

Learning in Kita and School

You can mark individual words or phrases so that your child can notice them more easily. By applying a kind of dictionary for your child, it can read and recall important words and symbols at any time. In the learning area for children with disabilities, therapy pins such as the audio pencil are an indispensable tool in Kita and school. It makes reading for children pleasant and easier to learn and offers these special learning experiences.

Lernen in Kita und SchuleKita und Schule für Kinder mit Behinderung

Kita and school, optimal need for children with disabilities

: Vibrating pencil therapy or Learning toys, the world of learning aids for children with disabilities and funding potential is wide-ranging. Methods such as these have been recognized and implemented in the learning system for many years. It is important to support the child from home with these learning aids.

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Learn what products you can use to optimally promote your child.

The combination of playing methods and teaching concepts and treatment approaches will help your child to feel comfortable in school and kita everyday without having to give up a normal life. With educative funding and the right learning methods, your child is significantly encouraged and developed. By supporting your child with disabilities with the right tools, you can help him achieve his full potential. Finally, these special aids for children also create a positive environment in Kita and school. This positive environment can strengthen your child's self-confidence and help him to recognize his strengths and skills even better and use them in everyday life. Check out the shop now and find your useful needs for Kita and school.